
Monday, August 29, 2011

Video to congratulate the 20th Birthday of Nicolai

From Nicolai Kielstrup Spain, we are going to organize a video to congratulate the 20th Birthday of Nicolai the next day October the 4th. To participate, just send your photo to this address: (or to Facebook's event):!/event.php?eid=256255647729243 before SEPTEMBER 30th.

Be creative! It could be a pic of you, of Nico, etc... ;)

How many fans of the world will congratulate him? From Spain there are some already!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Website in Spanish! (again)

I have created a new Website in Spanish of Nicolai, because the another page it doesn't works well now. I can't write the interviews, so I've decided to create one cooler! ;)

Check it out! I hope you like the new design and stuff. The address is kinda long, but with the time it will change and it will be easier to find it :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

Rasmus Sebach reuses part of Nicolai’s song in his new single

A new interview!

Rasmus seebach has reused his music in its new single from a song, he wrote to the then 13-year-old MGP-winner Nicolai Kielstrup.

In 2006 Rasmus wrote, together with his brother namely songs to the winner of children's tune Grand Prix Nicolai Kielstrup, in what Seebach now he has reused to his new song.

-I am honored, that he still think it is fat, is the first from Nicolai Kielstrup, since tolls to hear what he thinks of Rasmus reusing.

- I have not spoken with Rasmus since he did my other plate (in 2007 red.), but there was good enough a few of the other TERRIFIC, who told me that he would use a little from my old numbers for its forthcoming albums. I think that just is fat.

Nicolai Kielstrup is, however unhappy with broadcasters. For while Sebach new song will undoubtedly be a great summerhit, there was not many people who Bother hear børnestjernen, since his song came out:

- It says a part of the industry. That, because I just was a barnestjerne, so that bother you not to play the radio. But now that the Rasmus user tune, then the sudden good enough. In the United States can be called Mr Justin Bieber and be huge, but in Denmark, you must be more than 25, before the bother take a serious.

Sebach have today busy trying to promote its new single in the country's radiostatioerne and had therefore not have time to say why he had chosen to reuse old tune. In a PAFS from his manager Nicolai Bundesen sounds However:

- THE PIECE OF TUNE(we red.) have I actually written for seven years ago, and it has hung in my spine ever since. There is not gone a week, where I do not have nynnet it. Tune is almost magic for me. I have always wanted to sing it, and suddenly it was meaningful, since I put my own words. I shall keep really much of song which goes now, it sounds via manager is spend from Rasmus seebach.

Nicolai Kielstrup hope that Seebachs re-use of his refrain can help to give him a little attention.

He was 13 years, since seebach wrote to him, today is he 19, has closed handelsskolen and are now with a new breakthrough:

- WHICH IS NOT AGREED any plate, but there will be a single at a time. I hope to be able to come to work further with seebach-The brothers a day.

Here are the two songs:

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Fans take Nicolai by the legs

As we see in this video, some fans have taken Nicolai by the legs. Although you are very happy to see him, please, don't do these things. Just enjoy the moment :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

New songs. Coming soon!

Not long time to hear new songs of Nicolai! The Spanish productor, Siko Ruiz, is making exclusives tracks for Nico.

I hope Nicolai shows us a new song of his work soon :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Subscribe on Nicolai's Youtube!

This is what Nanna Ward has written on Facebook:

"Help Nico get noticed by the music industry worldwide - subscribe to his Youtube profile and help also by hitting play on his videos - thank you" :)

Please visit Nicolai's Youtube and click on "I like". Spread the word! Of this way, Nicolai will be able to get noticed by the music industry worldwide -this would be a very good chance for Nicolai.​colaiKielstrup

Monday, August 15, 2011

Nico with Real Madrid T-shirt?

This boy with Real Madrid T-shirt seems to Nicolai. What do you think? Is he Nico with 13 years old?

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Solen Går Ned

Another live-concert of Nicolai:

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

DIVA BABY Remix, by Nicolai Kielstrup now on iTunes

DIVA BABY Remix and Figure it Out is on iTunes!

By the way, I leave you with the famous song Dangerous, but this time, look at 20 second. Nicolai is touching his...! (Just look it).

Monday, August 8, 2011

Nico playing drums

How are your holidays? Good? Here in Spain it's sooo hot, almost 40Cº. I am going to die of heat someday. I'm eating alots icecream, as Nico says. And you? :)

Oh, have you ever seen Nico playing the drums? No? so he's the new Justin Bieber...

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Nicolai on the beach

We know that Nicolai has gone to the beach. And you? how have been your holidays? :)

By the way, in two months it will be some "changes" on this page... Stay tunned! ;)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The countdown

A fan has asked to Nicolai how are things about his visit to Spain, and this is what he has said:

I'm still counting on going to Spain in maybe September

The countdown it's here...! Soon we will be able to see Nico in our country :)